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Future technologies (SAMP5)

A number of short video explanations of interesting and important questions regarding technology and how it can impact the future of man kind. This is taken from the "Big Think" with Michio Kaku as host.
  • Michio Kaku
  • Michio Kaku: Mankind Has Stopped Evolving
  • Michio Kaku: Escape to a Parallel Universe
  • Michio Kaku: Tweaking Moore
  • Michio Kaku: Why Physics Ends the Free Will Debate
  • Michio Kaku: The Dark Side of Technology
  • Michio Kaku: Escape to a Parallel Universe
  • Michio Kaku: A Black Hole in Our Own Backyard?
  • Michio Kaku: X-Ray Vision and Telepathy Already Exist
  • Michio Kaku: A Solar Revolution?
  • Michio Kaku: The Search for Antimatter
  • Michio Kaku: Could We Transport Our Consciousness Into Robots?
  • Michio Kaku: Inventions of the Future
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed